Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Shampoo On Your Head

Lets think about biggest desire you have had for one damn second. How incomplete your life without it. It changes alot of your character i guess. Maybe the partner of your dreams huh. Or the high grades which could construct your future to perfection ?

Can you forget it and live your life?
Can you be the same person without that desire?
Can you atleast be?

The same answers can heard from different questions too. Is'nt it cool bro.

Can i change my life this year with a dramatic respect of enthusiasm?
Can i make my decisions without being a full retard?
Can i change?

Interesting that on a big scale the world our living changes drastically with a long time.
It takes ages to become a mountain with seismic motions(i actually tried it). You can wait a long time for an apocolypse.
I hope you never expect the enviroment just drastically change and maybe your 'point of view' misserable life will have a fresh start. (look zombie apocalypse fantasies fags)
If you will not change the world you are seeing every single day, the world will of course seem motionless.
I call it the diary of the monotone bastard.Every day definetly not the same dullness .The same thing on here is just you.

You wake up. Get a shower brush your teeth. Maybe take a piss. Go to your responsiblities and forgot that desires for brief moments. The gap between your thinking and acting always becomes bigger and less emotional. You just forget you are not  an immortal beeing. You spent life like 50 cents and trying to figure out why cant you have those desires. You never ask why i want it or could i be the desire .
Be the desire(one). 
Be the god of your time.

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